“Ya Allah ya Tuhan kami, rahmat-Mu yang sentiasa aku harapkan, kerana itu janganlah Engkau serahkan urusanku kepada diriku sendiri meskipun sekelip mata, perbaikilah urusanku, tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Engkau” Amin.Assalamualaikum ,

Rabu, 25 Julai 2012



Apabila perubahan membawa kepada kebaikan, ketenangan menjadi teman.
Dia penghapus resah dan pengukuh keyakinan.

Komen dari pembaca:


I bought this book. During the gab between IS and IBM class this morning. Lama sangat. Dari pukul 9 sampai pukul 12 takkan nak duduk kat kenanga kot? (geleng-geleg kepala) So, I went to MPH SACC Mall. Alone. Sebab dah tak tahan sangat memang dah lama mengidam nak beli buku ni.

by Irma Hasmie and Zamri Mohamad

I don’t know why. Perhaps because of the writer? Perhaps because of the illustration? (Irma-sangat-comel-at-the-first-glance). But I’m not that eager to search for it until I read the preview about this book at this one blog. (Can’t-recall-whos’-blog-is-that) but I can’t wait to grab this book and make it mine...haha. Macam budak-budak punye perangai tak gheti sabo.

But at last...


For something simple and motivated like this, RM13 is more than worth. Tak habis baca lagi. Till now, (I-read-4-stories-already) all I can say is, this-worth-buying-item, you must have it! Beli la di kedai buku berhampiran kalau malas sangat boleh pinjam kat aku takdehal sharingiscaring kan?

Jadi cakap pasal sharing, aku pun naklah sharing-sharing sikitlah cerita dalam buku ni,

Kisah 1: Meraikan Jemaah Syurga

I was touched with this story. It tells about how to give an advice, how to create difference and how to spread the love of Islam with the finest way. I agree that not everybody can accept advice or listen to other’s opinion. Different age, different level of mind, it requires different method. So this story made me thought that, ‘Aaahh, I shall choose the best word and the best term in order to convince others’ 

InsyaAllah, I’ll try it in future. And at the end of it, there’s a note saying;

“Ada orang merindui kamu. Walau dia tidak pernah bertemu. Kerana cinta dan kasihnya kepadamu. Lalu dia menyatakan rindu. Dia bertanya di mana kamu. Itu rindu Nabi Muhammad kepada dirimu. Di hadapan sahabat-sahabat agung. Dirimu masih menjadi sebutan di bibirnya. Ada orang jauh menunggu dekat. Mahu bertemu diri yang satu. Jemaah syurga itu adalah kamu.”

And my tears falling down. I miss you ya Rasulullah.

Kisah 2: Murah dan Mahal Tetap Sama

The story about twin sisters, which has been given a palaroid camera each by their mother. But the younger one did not satisfied with hers' because the camera looks cheap and smaller compared to her elder sister. Then their mom asked them to take the most beautiful scenary and show it to her. The younger one refused. And the mother ask her why? Suddenly the younger sister took the picture of her mother and said,

“Kerana ibu lebih cantik berbanding apa di luar sana.”

Subhanallah, isn’t that story make us think and look back to ourself. We always have the tools. Put aside the prices. It’s just the matter of how we use and utalize it to make it benefit to others. For example,

“Aku tahu aku punya blog ni bukanlah ramai follower pun. Tapi, daripada aku letak cerita-cerita yang tak berfaedah, lebih baik aku share sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain baca. Walaupun sikit, at least yang sikit tu berguna daripada merepek panjang tapi tak ada point. Am I right?”

Then I’ll make it extra beneficial next time. InsyaAllah.

Kisah 3: Siapa di Dalam Sana?

Special for those who have no confidence about themselves (including me myself). And the best way to search it just think about your mother and father. What are their capabilities? And list them up as much as you can. Then you’ll know, those are you yourself and remember the best quotes from Irma,

“Dalam diri, kita membawa bersama personaliti ibu dan ayah. Sama ada satu ataupun beberapa personaliti. Personaliti ini dipelajari sepanjang kita membesar. Personaliti yang positif membantu pembinaan karakter diri kita dan memberi kesan kepada dunia orang lain di sekeliling.”

And at this stage, I was thinking – tak-sangka-kak-Irma-ni-boleh-tahan-jugak-eh-skill-menulis-dia. ^_^ kagum!

Kisah 4: Anak Tangga, Semakin ke Atas Semakin Jelas

I have a dream. You have a dream. We all have a dreams. But how we achieve our dream? The analogy is like a stairs. It's ascending and always have another stage to climb. Thus in our life, in order to reach our dream, we always need to plan another strategy after each we have decided. It may takes a while for certain strategies. But the other one may takes longer than we predict. Just don’t stop and give up. Patient is the key!

Mine...? - I just want to make my parents PROUD to have me as their daughter. 

So, basically, I am more than satisfied with this book. Tak tahulah kalau actually aku ni bias dengan Irma Hasmie tu ke...^_^ Well, she’s quite inspiring. 

Dah lama aku update dengan perkembangan dia. Mostly on facebook and twitter. Aku kagum dengan perubahan dia. Dia berubah bukan setakat berubah yang biasa-biasa. Bukan macam artis lain yang berubah tapi setakat ‘berubah’. She was awesome and really shows her efforts in dakwah. Irma active in taking chances to spread the Islamic thoughts and share it with others. And this is what we need in our society. Wardina pun inspiring jugak tapi she’s the way more matured and lebih ke arah ibu-ibu gitew. Anyhow, I respect them both. 

And at the same time I always cemburu dengan Siti Khadijah r.a jugak kerana beliau merupakan permaisuri di hati Rasulullah saw - wish I could be like her - (inprogress) InsyaAllah, sama-samalah kita contohi mereka. 

Itu baru layak dipanggil Idol ^_^ 
With that, assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

# Kredit untuk:  http://anameku.blogspot.com/2012/06/lets-smile-with-irma-hasmie-and-me.html

Lagi  hasil karya ZAMRI MOHAMAD untuk dijadikan koleksi:

Cerita dari Syurga
Cinta meraikan kasih dilangit Syurga (EDISI POPULAR)
Semurni Kasih Adam Seutuh Cinta Hawa
Mudahnya Bisnes dengan Forum Online
Usahawan Cilik Si Blogger Kampong
Kembara Lima Putera: Mencari Pohon Emas
Mudahnya Bisnes dengan Blogshop
Urus Bisnes dengan Google
Berbunga Cinta Aisyah dihati Rasulullah
30 Strategi Membina Pengaruh
Buat Duit dengan Youtube
Internet Marketing untuk Bisnes Kecil
Geng Genius – Misteri Luqman
Bagaikan Khadijah dihati Rasulullah
Tip menjadi Penulis Bestseller
Mengurus Konflik Gaya Streetsmart
Memahami Bahasa Cinta Lelaki
Mempengaruhi Bos Gaya Streetsmart
Rahsia Bisnes Mamak
Magnet Cinta
Cari Duit Cara Mudah Sebagai Penulis Bebas
77 Tip Melembutkan Hati Lelaki
Harga Pos - SMILE:
SM - RM6.00
Sabah / Sarawak dan Labuan - RM10.

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